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Support That Makes a Difference

Fall Foliage


I offer long term, mindfulness-based psychotherapy, offering a weekly commitment to your healing and growth. Our lives all involve suffering and joy; the cause of our suffering may be known or unknown. Clients most often come into therapy with difficulties that they are seeking to resolve for themselves and for others. They may also come with the motivation to grow and know more of themselves, to have fuller and more meaningful lives. Whatever your situation the work encourages you to grow in awareness and disorganise old ways of being that no longer serve you; find new, more authentic, less conditioned ways of being in the world. 


Please see below for low cost places available.

Bridge Over River


Relationships ebb and flow, that’s how it’s always been. My work with couples offers a safe environment to help you understand why things are not working and what steps you can take to improve things.


This is not easy work; it can be challenging at times and fun and highly rewarding at others. Couples who take the time out of their busy lives to press pause and reflect on how they are doing, do better.



Using the principles of DDP I offer an attachment-based therapy to support families who have experienced early trauma and loss. I work in the first instance with the primary caregivers before bringing the child into therapy; we mutually agree on a time of readiness to do this. We then work with the child as a therapeutic team, parents or carers and therapist together. A part of the work is educational and I share the principles of PACE parenting with you; a model developed by Dan Hughes designed to resource you as parents and help you all as a family.

Wheat Field


As an Executive Coach, I work with individuals and groups in organisations successfully combining leadership coaching, mindfulness and psychology. I have 25 years of experience across many sectors and have been recognised by the Association of Business Psychologists for my work. 


I am a member of the British Psychological Society Specialist Group for Coaching Psychologists and specialise in Executive Transition and Leadership Fit For Future.


I am a keynote speaker on trauma and attachment, being a working parent in the 21st century and our relationship to Self.


For more information visit

Anchor Low Cost
Anchor Ind Couples
Anchor Fam Exec
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